They say Islam is a religion of peace & it's killing, raping & beheading millions worldwide! Imagine what would've been the situation if Islam wasn't the religion of peace!!! Lol
Which is the cutest thing in India?
Proud Hindu giving a lecture to Muslims on superstition and malpractice..
Proud Hindu giving a lecture to Muslims on superstition and malpractice..
Islam is not a religion ...
It is the way and the door to hell that destroys many.
According to a study by Harvard University, the Muslimization of a country by 16% of its population will not prevent the Islamization of that country.
This is what Nicoletta Inzai, an Islamic scholar, said on June 22, 2019, while appearing on a Hungarian television program.
ZInzai points out that many Islamic countries today were formerly Christian countries. Ex: Turkey, Egypt, Syria.
Islam established Islamic nations by destroying other religions that had previously been prevalent in many other countries.
Pakistan was formerly Hindu. Afghanistan was a Buddhist state and Iran a Parsi religious nation.
In their opinion, once the Muslim population in a country reaches 16%, that country will gradually become a fully Islamic country. This conversion to Islam will be completed in the next 100 or 150 years.
Dr. Peter Hammond's book 'Slavery, Islam, Terrorism' says: 'Islam is not a religion. It is not a cult. In its fullest sense, it is a complete, complete, 100% complete system of life. '
Islam has religious, legal, political, social and military components.

He says.
'When countries that are politically correct, tolerant and socially diverse grant Muslim religious privileges, other aforementioned Islamic elements will creep into that community.
This is how it happens
If the Muslim population of a country is less than 2%, then the Muslims of that country are considered as a peace loving minority. They will not be a threat to fellow citizens.
That is the situation in the following countries today.
USA - 0.6%
Australia - 1.5%
Canada -1.9%
China 1.8%
Italy 1.5%
Norway 1.8%
As the Muslim population gradually reaches 2 to 5, they are converting to Islam from ethnic minorities, disaffected people, imprisoned criminals and street gangs. That is what is happening in these countries
Denmark 2%
Germany 3.7%
UK 2.7%
Spain 4%
Thailand 4.6%
Muslims have a huge impact on the percentage of their population in the countries where they live, Dr. Hammond observes' For example, they struggle for halal food. There will be a strike demanding that such foods be displayed in restaurants. Those who do not do so will be threatened and forced to do so, with the prospect of repercussions.
That is what is happening in these countries today.
France - 8%
Philippines - 5%
Sweden - 5% m
Switzerland -4.3%
Netherlands - 5 .5%
Trinidad and Tobago 5.8%
Then in the countries where they live, in those areas (sometimes they are Muslim slums) they will start pressuring the Muslim community to submit to Sharia law.
ുമ്പോൾWhen they are 10% of the population they will start violent struggles as if they are fighting for their miserable condition in the country.

This is what was seen in Amsterdam and elsewhere in the struggles against cartoons and movies against Muhammad. Such conflicts are a daily occurrence in the following countries.
Guyana - 10%
India - 13.4%
Israel - 16%
Kenya - 10%
Russia - 15%
Violence increases as the Muslim population approaches 20%.
"Once it reaches 20%, the country will see Muslims rioting, forming militias to carry out jihad, carrying out intermittent killings, and burning Christian churches and synagogues," he said.
Ethiopia: 32.8%
40 When Muslims make up 40% of the population, those nations are prone to major uprisings, increasing terrorist attacks, and constant jihadist militias.
Bosnia 40%
Choice - 53.1%
Banan - 59.7%
If the Muslim population in a country above %60% is reached, the persecution of non-Muslims who are 'unbelievers' will increase significantly. Intermittent genocide, Sharia law, and the imposition of the Jazia tax occur
Ex: Albania -70%
Malaysia -60.4%
Qatar - 77.5% Rs
Sudan - 70%
When the Muslim population of a country is 80%
You see daily threats, persecution of non-Muslims, genocide perpetrated by the state itself i.e. these countries themselves are eliminating the 'infidels' and becoming a 100% Muslim community. This is what the following Muslim countries are experiencing today.
Bangladesh - Muslim 83%
Egypt - 90%
Gaza - 98.7%
Indonesia - 86.1%
Iran -98%
Iraq - 97%
Jordan - 92%
Morocco-98. 7%
Pakistan - 97%
Palestine 99%
Syria - 90%
Tajik Stan- 90%
Turkey - 99.8%
UAE - 96%
Darul Salam is a country that is 100% Muslim
Suresh Wanayalae, 57 minutes ago
Real religion doesn't teach to kill animals and Ex-Muslims. Learn Islam from Ex-Muslims first.Scorpion248:
it's haram to kill animals which we don't take advantage of are you vegetarian?
If we use them then No problem
+Most of the people who calls themselves EX Muslims aren't muslims in the first place they just pretending and lying saying we know about islam and they don't but just want to ruin the pure picture of islam you can't believe anything people says unless you make sure of it but if you believe them because you hate islam then you are ignoring the truth
Suresh Wanayalae:
@Scorpion248 , hurting animals whether you eat or not is not a good thing. I don't buy fresh meat and fish myself. And don't need to be a vegetarian to stop killing animals. I was a vegetarian for around 1 year. If you will be an animal then you will not like to get killed by humans for any reason. But people who follow Abrahamic religions don't understand that simple logic. However, there is no creator God to give you permission to kill animals and Ex-Muslims. So be careful about your next rebirth. Because it will not be good if you kill and make people kill innocent living beings. Some teaching in Islam is not good for humanity. Islam was created by a man for men. The followers of Abrahamic religions just waste their time without understanding the nature of reality. They just expect to go to heaven without doing any special practice. And they tell other's will go to hell just because they don't believe in a creator God. So Abrahamic religion has made a lot of people who have a lot of illogical expectations. If you want to know the reality take a look at the videos and download the PDF that I recently uploaded.
Brother 70% Indian are non vegetarian. Also India is one of the largest beef exporter, do you even know that.
Suresh Wanayalae:
@ɧɛཞɱıɬ , I'm not an Indian. I'm a Sri Lanka. A lot of Muslims and Christians and some Non-religious people do business like that. And there are lot of teaching supporting killing animals and Ex-Muslims. And there are lot of violent teachings in Abrahamic religions. Islam is a sex based religion. Muslims can marry 4 wives and children. Slavery is also a part of it. I can prove that we don't need a creator God to make the universe. So all the Abrahamic religions are wrong for sure.
@Suresh Wanayalae I hate to say that but we muslims don't kill EX-muslims whoever kills innocent people isn't muslim because killing is haram unless it's for self defense if someone is going to kill you and you killed him before he kill you in hand to hand combat then it's ok
@Suresh Wanayalae We don't kill EX-muslims because killing without self defense is haram(forbidden) i heard alot that christians who kills Ex-christians
Suresh Wanayalae:
@Scorpion248 , Don't lie to people. A lot of Muslim men tell lies about Islam. Don't expect to learn from us. Ask from Ex-Muslims: ""Whoever disbelieves in Allah after his belief... except for one who is forced [to renounce his religion] while his heart is secure in faith. But those who [willingly] open their breasts to disbelief, upon them is wrath from Allah, and for them is a GREAT PUNISHMENT;" [Quran 16:106]
Whoever disbelieves in Allah after his belief... except for one who is forced [to renounce his religion] while his heart is secure in faith. But those who [willingly] open their breasts to disbelief, upon them is wrath from Allah, and for them is a great punishment; [quran 16:106]. * The Prophet said, "The blood of a Muslim, who confesses that Lâ ilâha ill-Allâh (there is no god but Allâh), cannot be shed except in three cases: 1. Life for life; 2. A married person who commits illegal sexual intercourse; and 3. The one who turns renegade from Islâm (apostate) and leaves the group of Muslims. "
The following nations treat apostasy under their criminal laws:
~ Afghanistan – illegal (death penalty, although the U.S. and other coalition members have put pressure that has prevented recent executions)
~ Egypt – illegal (3 years' imprisonment)
~ Iran – illegal (death penalty)
~ Jordan – possibly illegal (fine, jail, child custody loss, marriage annulment) although officials claim otherwise, convictions are recorded for apostasy
~ Malaysia – illegal in five of 13 states (fine, imprisonment, and flogging)
~ Mauritania – illegal (death penalty if still apostate after 3 days)
~ Morocco – illegal to proselytize conversion (15 years imprisonment) Only country not listed by Pew.
~ Oman – legal in criminal code, but according to the family code, a father can lose custody of his child
~ Pakistan – illegal (death penalty since 2007)
~ Qatar – illegal (death penalty)
~ Saudi Arabia – illegal (death penalty, although there have been no recently reported executions)
~ Somalia – illegal (death penalty)
~ Sudan – illegal (death penalty, although there have only been recent reports of torture, and not of execution)
~ United Arab Emirates – illegal (3 years' imprisonment, flogging)
~ Yemen – illegal (death penalty)
Stop cheating people. And try to be humans.
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