I grew up believing deeply in Islam. That is why I understand so well those who get angry when they first visit this page. Islam is a life investment and has some excellent arguments that elevates it. That is why many of our trolls come stacked with memes thinking we are not really atheists but undercover for another faith. We are not.
I read the Quran in Arabic many times, but specifically I set times to read it from cover to cover four times in my life. Even though I read it in Arabic, I crossed referenced it with the Tafseer to leave no doubt. And the more I read it, the more I lost faith. This is God, the perfect, the almighty, who knows everything. He cannot write a coherent story in one place. Many of the stories are chaotically spread across different chapters. Abraham, Adam, Lut, Essa (Jesus), Mariam (Mary), and many more. All over the place. Then mishmashed between Meccan and Madina verses with no chronological order. When I read it the third time in chronological order from Meccan to Median, I felt a Quran the grew angry and bolder, aggressive and violent. And that is when the penny finally dropped. This is Bullshit!!! The author of the Quran seems to be surprised by historical events. But Allah, the all knowing, would have known these thing are going to happen. Now my mind switched to critical thinking, the reading of the many immorals of Hadith only went further in sinking that ship. There was no going back. Islam is not prefect faith by any stretch of the imagination. What is more, the Islamic teachings are not fit for purpose. The only way I can continue living by it is by creating Islam 2.0.
Alas, Islam 2.0 is the version that is given to curious people. And we only need 1 in 1000 to be convinced by this half sided bullshit to have a PR video published and spread online.
Do those new converts know the full story? Probably too late in the day when they will feel massive peer pressure to keep the facade. Others will leave quietly and disappear, even fewer will speak out. Are they going to make PR videos about leaving Islam? Are you crazy? Now you know how it works.
Why I don't believe in "One True Islam"
elyas ahmadzai (YT vid: Grcej1Eobiw):
Mashallah may Allah guide more people towards the truth, Ameen.
Suresh Wanayalae:
A creator God doesn't exist. This is the proof (Y o u T u b e - V- ID:) 7ctZcT9S4hw
That is about the existence of everything.
Dono Sago:
@Suresh Wanayalae - The Chinese Communists created Covid-19 to prove virus is real, but God in Islam still compete with God in Christianity in 1400 years, but God in Islam still could not appear or incarnate in Man like Jesus Christ.
Suresh Wanayalae:
@Dono Sago , There is a way to prove that we don't need a creator God to create us. My name can help you to investigate about it, because social media blocks some information. My previous comments can help you to find the truth as well.
Suresh Wanayalae:
@Dono Sago , The followers of Allah bombed and killed around 170 people in Afghanistan. Was it respectful? So Atheists must question the existence of a creator God. It is not about freedom. It is about removing wrong beliefs which leads to violence in the name of God/Allah.
Just investigate the source I sent to open your eyes.
Suresh Wanayalae:
@Dono Sago , China announced that they will reprint Quran after removing bad teachings in Quran in December 2019. And Some people put coronavirus to china in December 2019. Can you imagine who created the virus? Qurana?
elyas ahmadzai:
@Suresh Wanayalae are you an expert on the quran or your just ignorant like any other islamophob, give me you instagram anything for me to educate you on islam and violence.
Dono Sago:
@Suresh Wanayalae - The current China is an atheist and communist regime that is more or less aggressive and terrible than Taliban.
Now, The China Communist regime is trying to control the world to replace the USA , and it is brainwashing people with their atheism.
Suresh Wanayalae:
@Dono Sago , Don't forget the history. The Bible (West) and Quran (Muslims) (Eg: Mogal empire, Hitler) were horrible. Don't forget about nuclear bombs. Just keep your illogical arguments with you.
Suresh Wanayalae:
@elyas ahmadzai , There is no one true Islam. Can you tell me why Most Muslims are happy about the Taliban controlling Afghanistan? Most Muslims know that the Taliban and most violent Muslim groups follow many interpretations of Islam. Ex-Muslims know more about it (YouT.-V-idL: i.) reBj2YMhcSo ii.) i9V9oikbIKg). Don't try to use Al-Takiyah to tell lies.
Dono Sago:
@Suresh Wanayalae - The nuclear bombs were created by Man (not by God in the Bible), and it can be "boomed" to finish your life and Mecca immediately! But "holy wars for Allah's sake" were created by Allah in the Quran when it violated God's command "NO MURDER".
So holy war for one mysrical being is the dumbest and most horrible thing for human right. So people should PREACH their belief only, NOT MURDER for their belief.
Suresh Wanayalae:
@Dono Sago , I can understand you. But you should try to understand that something is wrong with the teachings of Abrahamic religions, not only with humans. However, I just wanted to say that I know that a creator God doesn't exist because I made a theory to explain the existence of the Universe and the atoms, and interactions of subatomic particles, etc. I don't like to use my time to explain it to you personally. Best of luck. Bye
Dono Sago:
@Suresh Wanayalae - How can atheists explain why the Biblical God or the Universe appeared in man to talk to Abraham, and appeared in flame to talk to Moses in the past?
Suresh Wanayalae:
@Dono Sago , Do you know that everything you see is just Electrons, Up Quarks, Down Quarks, Photons, Gluons, Quantum fields, Mathematics, Dark Matter, Dark Energy, etc? Fundamental Elementary particles, fields, and interactions of those things tell us the process of the universe and life. The most important thing is discovering the origin of the elementary particles and fields to explain the existence of everything we see. Can't you understand that? Maybe you can't understand that. Bye
Dono Sago:
@Suresh Wanayalae Can you understand why these things exist?
Suresh Wanayalae:
@Dono Sago , Yes, I could understand the existence of dimensions of the universe to build a mathematical explanation about the universal process of those dimensions.
Dono Sago:
@Suresh Wanayalae - How did the dimensions of the universe exist and come from?
Suresh Wanayalae:
@Dono Sago , The universe was a THING, even it was infinitely nothing (zero infinity), and that THING should have 6 directions (Up, Down, Left, Right, Forward, Back) which go to zero and infinity while making dimensions (+6-6 dimensions) as moments of directions of the universe. I used the properties of the start of the universe to calculate the process of the Universe.
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